If you need to contact us please fill out the form below.
Please include your Allotment Site and Plot Number in all correspondence if relevant.
If you have witnessed an incident of theft or vandalism at an allotment please report this to the police using the 101 non-emergency number. It is important that incidents are reported so that they can be registered in the crime log and issued a crime number.
You can also report an incident with the Police via their website:
We can also be reached by telephone (please note this is an answering service as the Administrator only works part time):
- 08082812642
You can send post to us at the address below but please be aware that this is not a staffed office so you cannot come and see us. Post handed in at the door may not reach us as there are many other occupants of this building.
York Allotments
Popeshead Court Offices
Peter Lane
You can also find us on social media: