YACIO summer newsletter, 2024

Summer newseltter 2024. Last years best plot competition winners

The Summer 2024 edition of the YACIO newsletter is here. Inside you’ll find;

  • Feedback from the YACIO AGM and members’ forum.
  • An exciting new job opportunity at YACIO.
  • Information about the Best Plot Competition.
  • Plotlines – sustainable gardening on your allotment.
  • Low Moor Kids’ Allotment Open Afternoon.
  • New rules for birdkeepers.
  • A reminder about allotment insurance.

Please click here to view it.

Best plot competition 2024

Best overall plot

In order to celebrate the diversity of York’s allotment sites and the dedication of allotment gardeners, in 2023 YACIO launched an allotment best plot competition. Following last year’s success, we are running the competition again in 2024.


There are two categories of plots:

  1. New tenants: for gardeners who took on their plot in, or since, January 2023
  2. Established tenants: for gardeners who took on their plot before January 2023

For more information and to enter your plot click here.

Free property marking event

Garden equipment

Free property marking at York Council West Offices.

Your local neighbourhood police team will be at York Council West Offices on the 12th September 2023 from 1000hrs – 1300hrs with their property marking kit. 

They will be marking bikes, laptops, phones, sports equipment and any other property, as well as offering crime prevention advice.

Come and meet the team and have a chat with them about any issues in your area.

Summer Pruning Course

Organically grown plums

Our next pruning workshop will take place on 2nd September at Low Moor Allotments from 10am-12noon.

The workshop will cover summer pruning trained trees (apple and pear grown as espaliers, cordons, etc) and plums and other stone fruit (plums, cherries etc) whether grown in trained form or as trees

You can book your ticket here: Summer Pruning Course

Tickets are £5 and places are limited.

If you are unable to attend having booked a ticket please do let us know beforehand so your space can be offered to someone else. If you are unable to make this date then further dates may be available later on.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Hempland Lane Allotment Summer Fair

A busy scene from Hempland Lane Allotment Summer Fair in 2019

Join our annual Summer Fete, with a table top sale of arts, crafts and produce in our community area, ‘Hempland Haven’. All Welcome.

This is a free event for all association members and the local community. Bringing our community together, sharing successes and failures of the season so far along with friendship and laughter over a BBQ and a few drinks!

Tea / Coffee and Cakes are available 10am – 2pm. Ice Creams and Lollies available from 11am

BBQs will be lit at 11.30am, ready to start cooking at 12noon.

BBQ (bring your own items to sizzle, but do not worry if you forget as some can be purchased on the day). Salads, bread rolls, sauces will be provided

See you there and please do not forget to bring something to sizzle, sit on (if you are not comfy on benches) and your favourite tipple!

CASH ONLY EVENT – Only CASH is accepted for the tea / coffee and cake stalls and most of the table top stalls. Supporting various charities on the day. All proceeds raised on the day (inc stall fees), are put back into the maintenance of the allotment site, for the benefit of all who work on the site and walk through it.

Please note that there will be no on-site car parking available, during the event

Best Plot Competition 2023

It is over 10 years since City of York Council held a Best Kept Plot Competition for allotment tenants. To celebrate the diversity of York’s allotment sites and the dedication of allotment gardeners, we are launching a new allotment competition this year.


There will be two categories of plots:

  1. New tenants: for gardeners who took on their plot since January 2022
  2. Established tenants: for gardeners who took on their plot before January 2022

For more information and to enter your plot click here.