We’ve updated our Tenant Handbook! Take a look at the new document here.
Updated Tenancy Agreement Terms and Conditions From January 2022
This is the revised Tenancy Agreement coming into use from January 2022.
In the September newsletter we highlighted that a new Agreement was in process and posted an initial draft on the website for information and comment. A number of tenants got in touch by email with the suggestions for changes and improvements. There were also three online Zoom consultations that provided additional helpful feedback. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed. Wherever possible we’ve tried to incorporate all comments and suggestions received.
The new Tenancy Agreement is intended to help everyone get the best out of their plot in a way that respects and cares for everyone and everything on allotment sites, now and in the future. There is no need to sign and return the Agreement, payment of your 2022 rental invoice will signifies consent to the revised terms.
Updated Tenancy Terms and Conditions January 2022
September 2021 Newsletter
Our September 2021 newsletter is out now! Click the link below to read it.
YACIO September 2021 Newsletter
Tenancy Agreement Updates – September 2021
[THIS CONSULTATION IS NOW CLOSED – For the New Tenancy Agreement please visit this page: Updated Tenancy Terms and Conditions January 2022]
It’s now nearly four years since YACIO took over running the allotments from the City Council. One of the problems we inherited was a Tenancy Agreement that was overdue for review. A hotchpotch of clauses, some of which are outdated, we’ve been conscious for some time that this needs improving. We did make a few changes last year but we’ve now given it a complete overhaul.
Ideally, we’d present the revised Tenancy Agreement at a YACIO members’ meeting. We had hoped to hold one on the 9th October, but due to continuing uncertainty about Covid and social distancing restrictions on numbers imposed by our usual venue we’ve decided it’s not feasible for this to go ahead.
Trustees want to have a tenancy Agreement that’s as clear as possible and has the support and confidence of tenants. We welcome comments and suggestions from members. These can be made by email or via three consultative Zoom sessions we’re holding on the following dates: 12th, 20th and 28th October between 7 & 8pm.
To comment or for Zoom joining instructions please email contact@yorkallotments.org. We look forward to hearing your views.
October 2020 Newsletter
York Allotments April Nature Notes Issue 2 – by Sara Robin
Following on from our last post, Sara has produced Issue 2 of her Nature Notes:
Tenant Handbook
In order to help new tenants, and to provide an easy reminder for existing tenants, YACIO has produced a new Tenant Handbook to help answer your allotment queries!
October Newsletter
Please click the link below to view our October Newsletter.
Let us know your thoughts!
Hosepipe Use
Hosepipes must only be used for filling water butts and containers. You must not use them to directly water your plot. Sprinklers are strictly prohibited.
This is for several reasons:
- Using a hosepipe for extended periods means that other plot holders cannot get water.
- Watering with a hosepipe is inefficient and leads to excessive water consumption, much of which is lost to evaporation.
- Excessive water usage may lead to a water shortage and a hosepipe ban in times of drought.
The National Allotment Society website has more information on Gardening In A Drought which offers some helpful advice.
GDPR – Important Information
As you may be aware the law on Data Protection is changing. Since we hold data about all of our tenants we need to be clear with you what data we hold, and for what purpose, and why we think this is legitimate.
We hold data that you supplied to us or to the City of York Council when you applied for a tenancy. This is basic contact information and may include other details such as your age or if you are on benefits. We use this information for the effective administration of the charity and to give us information which forms the basis of the contract (tenancy).
In addition to this we keep records of contacts we have with you; for example if you make an enquiry and we reply we keep a note of that enquiry and what we said in response. This helps us run the charity effectively.
All of this information is held securely on a data base which is ‘GDPR compliant’. This simply means that it is structured in a way that fulfills the requirements of the new laws on data protection. In future we will allow site secretaries to access records only for those tenants who have plots on their sites. If the site secretary cannot access the database we might provide them with basic contact information for tenants on their sites as a printed list. They will keep this information securely.
If you give up your tenancy we will keep some information to help, for example should you reapply for an allotment.
Under no circumstances will we sell on your data to any other organisation.
We are taking advice as to whether there are circumstances under which the Emergency Services or City of York Council (as the Landlord) might oblige us to pass on your contact data.
If you have any concerns about our holding of your data or the use we put it to then do feel free to contact us.