Hempland Lane Allotment Summer Fair
Sunday 14th July 2019
10.00am – 3.00pm
YO31 1AT
Join our annual Summer Fete, as part of our Centenary Celebrations in our newly created Community area, ‘Hempland Haven’, car park area allotment shop.
Free event for all association members and the local community. Bringing our community together, sharing successes and failures of the season so far and friendship and laughter over a BBQ and a few drinks!
BBQ (bring your own items to sizzle, but don’t worry if you forget as some can be purchased on the day). Salads, bread rolls, sauces will be provided.
All proceeds raised on the day, are put back into the maintenance of the allotment site, for the benefit of all who work on the site and walk through it.
Please note that there will be no on-site car parking available, during the event
Please see below for more details of classes and events:
Low Moor Community Kids’ Allotment Vacancies
Low Moor Allotments Community Kid’s Allotment is located at the bottom of Kilburn Road, just by the allotment car park. The Kid’s Allotment has been running for 15 years and has received many awards. It is organised by volunteers and the sessions are staffed by these volunteers and parents on a rota.
There are currently 12 members, aged between 6 and 12 years and sessions run weekly on a Saturday morning from 10am til 12noon between March and the end of October. Members pay £1 per session.
During the session the children are helped to garden the allotment: growing fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers. Whilst work has to be done, they make it fun! Produce is shared out after harvesting and brought home.
This year there are a number of vacancies for new members. For more information or to register your child’s interest please contact Angela Johnson: angela3147@hotmail.com
2019 Invoices
2019 Invoices have now all been sent out by post!
If you do not receive your invoice within the next week please get in touch to update your contact details as we may have the wrong address on file.
We wish all of our tenants a productive growing season ahead for 2019!
If you wish to pay your invoice online you will need the Tenant Number and Invoice Number found at the top of your invoice as shown below:
“Taste and Flavour” Annual Fruit and Vegetable Show
Allotments Photography Project
In conjunction with a nationally exhibited photographer Dan May, we’re looking to start a project photographing allotment holders and their plots. The aim is to provide a record of York allotments and the people who cultivate them in 2018 and, hopefully, stage an exhibition of the photographs in the city later this year.
Dan is keen to meet allotment holders old and new and hear their stories and record them in photographs. He would particularly like to hear from groups of plotholders or meet those with more ‘unusual’ plots or allotment stories. Dan is a professional photographer and will ensure all photos are taken with consent. All photos taken will also be available for YACIO to use for promotional purposes.
If you or perhaps a group of plotholders or an allotment association would like to be involved, please contact danmayphotography@gmail.com for further information.
Bloom Festival
You may already have heard about the Bloom Festival taking place in York between 5th and 8th July.
York Allotments (YACIO) will be participating at two events. The first is the Shambles Flower Market on Sunday 8th July where we will have a stall to promote allotments in the city. We need helpers to staff the stall, if you can help, even for just an hour or two please email
We are also able to sell surplus allotment produce from the stall. If you’ve a glut of anything that would otherwise go to waste please also let us know. All monies raised will support allotment good causes.
The second Bloom event we’re involved in, along with Edible York, is an Edible Gardening Question Time. This will take place on Thursday 5th July at Bootham School. Doors open from 6pm for light refreshments, question time begins at 7pm.
The event will be chaired by former BBC gardening presenter Wil Jenkyn with a panel of four experienced local allotment holders ready to answer your questions. If you’ve any tricky growing problems on the plot this is a chance to get some expert advice.
GDPR – Important Information
As you may be aware the law on Data Protection is changing. Since we hold data about all of our tenants we need to be clear with you what data we hold, and for what purpose, and why we think this is legitimate.
We hold data that you supplied to us or to the City of York Council when you applied for a tenancy. This is basic contact information and may include other details such as your age or if you are on benefits. We use this information for the effective administration of the charity and to give us information which forms the basis of the contract (tenancy).
In addition to this we keep records of contacts we have with you; for example if you make an enquiry and we reply we keep a note of that enquiry and what we said in response. This helps us run the charity effectively.
All of this information is held securely on a data base which is ‘GDPR compliant’. This simply means that it is structured in a way that fulfills the requirements of the new laws on data protection. In future we will allow site secretaries to access records only for those tenants who have plots on their sites. If the site secretary cannot access the database we might provide them with basic contact information for tenants on their sites as a printed list. They will keep this information securely.
If you give up your tenancy we will keep some information to help, for example should you reapply for an allotment.
Under no circumstances will we sell on your data to any other organisation.
We are taking advice as to whether there are circumstances under which the Emergency Services or City of York Council (as the Landlord) might oblige us to pass on your contact data.
If you have any concerns about our holding of your data or the use we put it to then do feel free to contact us.
New Trustees
YACIO are looking to add new Trustees to help manage the Allotments.
This role is voluntary and requires you to be available to attend evening meetings once a month and help oversee the organisation.
If you think you have the time, skills and expertise to offer please send expressions of interest by email to contact@yorkallotments.org before the end of June.
For further details please visit:
Invoicing Reminders
Final reminders for all outstanding invoices have gone out this week. If you believe you have already paid please get in touch.
If you have not received your bill or new tenancy agreement yet this year please get in touch urgently as we will not have the correct contact information on file for you and you may be at risk of losing your allotment unless you get in touch.
If you have paid your invoice at the Post Office you MUST return your cash paying in slip to us as requested or we cannot assign your payment to your customer account.
If you have yet to pay your invoice you can pay online, send a cheque by post, or contact the Administrator for a special paying in slip to pay by cash at a local post office.