Updated July 2021

The Lockdown in England has lifted but we still need to take care and think about those that are clinically vulnerable to the disease.

Covid -19 – The virus that causes COVID 19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks.  Some droplets are too heavy to hang in the air and they quickly fall and contaminate floors and surfaces. Other smaller airborne particles can remain in the air for some time. You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of a person who has Covid-19.

Click Here to read English Government advice about staying safe and helping to prevent the spread of Covid 19, the advice below is based on the English government advice.


How can I ensure my family’s and everyone else’s safety at the plot?

Do not attend the plot if you have coronavirus symptoms or a family member is self-isolating, this includes people who need to isolate after returning from holidays abroad.

Continue to sanitise or wash hands regularly, especially before and after touching communal items such as the gate lock. Do not wash your hands in water troughs

I am self-isolating or quarantining and cannot go to the allotment and worried about losing my plot, what should I do?

Please make sure that you inform us if you are unable to visit the site, preferably in writing, so that they can make allowances for your situation.




York’s Allotment Heritage

We are delighted to be able to share this document, produced by Prof Ross Wilson, currently of Nottingham University, on the subject of the history of the allotments in York.  There is a wealth of information here about many of our sites, as well as other non-YACIO sites, many of which are still in existence.

Thank you to Prof Wilson for allowing us to share this with you all:

York’s Allotment Heritage – Ross Wilson

Hempland Lane Allotment Summer Fair

Sunday 14th July 2019

10.00am – 3.00pm

YO31 1AT

Join our annual Summer Fete, as part of our Centenary Celebrations in our newly created Community area, ‘Hempland Haven’, car park area allotment shop.

Free event for all association members and the local community.  Bringing our community together, sharing successes and failures of the season so far and friendship and laughter over a BBQ and a few drinks!

BBQ (bring your own items to sizzle, but don’t worry if you forget as some can be purchased on the day). Salads, bread rolls, sauces will be provided.

All proceeds raised on the day, are put back into the maintenance of the allotment site, for the benefit of all who work on the site and walk through it.

Please note that there will be no on-site car parking available, during the event

Please see below for more details of classes and events:

Summer fair 2019

Low Moor Community Kids’ Allotment Vacancies

Low Moor Allotments Community Kid’s Allotment is located at the bottom of Kilburn Road, just by the allotment car park.  The Kid’s Allotment has been running for 15 years and has received many awards.  It is organised by volunteers and the sessions are staffed by these volunteers and parents on a rota.

There are currently 12 members, aged between 6 and 12 years and sessions run weekly on a Saturday morning from 10am til 12noon between March and the end of October.  Members pay £1 per session.

During  the session the children are helped to garden the allotment: growing fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers.  Whilst work has to be done, they make it fun! Produce is shared out after harvesting and brought home.

This year there are a number of vacancies for new members.  For more information or to register your child’s interest please contact Angela Johnson:

Hosepipe Use


Hosepipes must only be used for filling water butts and containers.  You must not use them to directly water your plot.  Sprinklers are strictly prohibited.

This is for several reasons:

  • Using a hosepipe for extended periods means that other plot holders cannot get water.
  • Watering with a hosepipe is inefficient and leads to excessive water consumption, much of which is lost to evaporation.
  • Excessive water usage may lead to a water shortage and a hosepipe ban in times of drought.

The National Allotment Society website has more information on Gardening In A Drought which offers some helpful advice.